Completing the digest score sheet

To complete the YES/NO digest score sheet, reviewers have to answer to all questions, bearing in mind the following considerations:

1. If the data in the T4 matrix have been discussed in a paper published by a peer-reviewed journal, then the digest can probably be accepted without further considerations.

2. If the data in the T4 matrix are not associated with a publication, or if they are discussed in a publication without peer review, reviewers are advised to take especial notice of the number and proportion of missing data in the matrix (these values always appear in the digest section referred to the T4 matrix). If the proportion of missing data in the T4 matrix is too high, its quality may be questionable, thereby compromising the acceptance of the digest for publication in Demiurge.

3. The "Comments to the digest author(s)" space should be used only to give feedback on the final recommendation. Reviewers will always have to add a comment in this section if at least one of their answers to the questions in the score sheet is 'NO'.

See an example of the yes/no score sheet that reviewers have to fill in

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