Demiurge terms of use

Demiurge is a geo-referenced web-based information system following GBIF standards of data interchange and structure that was conceived to make all the existing information on biodiversity's genetic diversity available for the generation of new knowledge, through the capabilities of T4

The use of Demiurge is free and public, but a fast and simple registration process is mandatory before first downloading or submitting a digest, and before downloading the T4 software.

All digest submissions to Demiurge undergo a review process, and are made in the understanding that the authors allow any registered users to download any un-blocked items in their digests, provided the users abide by these terms of use, which they have to accept upon registration.

By default, all Demiurge registered users that declare to have experience in one or more molecular genetic techniques are included in the reviewer roster for digests containing T4 genotype matrices based on that technique.

Usage of any data in digests hosted by this information system in any works or communications implies in all cases the attribution of the digests using the citation indicated on each of them.

Therefore, in our understanding, the digest authors are the only intellectual owners of the digests published in Demiurge, and any proven use that does not conform to the most elementary rules of scientific ethics seriously contravenes our philosophy of work as researchers, and may give rise to membership repeal.

When appropriate, you must attribute Demiurge in the following manner:

Registration entails that you allow the Demiurge managers to send you communications related to the mission of this information system. You may thus receive e-mail transmissions, including attachments, intended only for you and other eventual named recipient(s), which may contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you ever receive a transmission in error, or are not among the named recipient(s), please notify us immediately by return e-mail and permanently delete this transmission, including any attachments.

We take the utmost care to ensure that the data and metadata stored in Demiurge are secure. All user information is transferred using SSL encryption, and digests are digitally signed to warrant they are preserved on their original state. We also keep multiple backups of all data over multiple locations to prevent data loss.

Your electronic data of contact will be treated using maximum confidentiality, and will be incorporated to a secure database under the exclusive responsibility of the Demiurge team for the purpose of sending information, answers to queries, or contacts with e-mail or other electronic communication means.

All the data, meta data, and the genetic diversity digests in Demiurge are safely and permanently stored in the supercomputing facilities of the Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias (Gobierno de Canarias), and are technically curated by members of this institution in coordination with the Demiurge Project development and direction team, and implementing eventual suggestions of the scientific steering committee, or other persons.

Acceptance of these terms of use entails aceptance of the T4 terms of use.


You shall not use Demiurge or, as applicable, any particular content within it from another provider to:

We hereby emphasize that Demiurge is a public resource created to disseminate .tfm4 matrices and ancillary info related to them in the form of "genetic diversity digests", and we see no point in developing a similar public system based on .tfm4 matrices. However, we allow the interchange of files or matrices in .tfm4 format among peers, and the maintenance and updating of personal/institutional databases hosting .tfm4 matrices.

Finally, we hereby emphasize that the Demiurge team is keen to collaborate and network with web-based biodiversity information resources focused on other dimensions of biodiversity.

If you use any Demiurge contents, and/or hyperlink this information system or any parts thereof in some website, communication or information transmission, it is appropriate to attribute Demiurge in the manner specified above.


Neither the Demiurge managers, nor the digest reviewers, are responsible for the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of the data hosted in its web site. No responsibility will be accepted for uses or misuses of the data contained in the digests.

Any variation in the data and/or ancillary information associated with a published digest with respect to its first date of availability in Demiurge can only be due to modifications made by its corresponding author using the password chosen upon registration. We are not responsible for the problems caused by leakage of password, and remind all users of Demiurge to keep it confidential.

Some digest authors may claim intellectual property rights of the digests they have published beyond these terms of use. However, we are not in the position to process such claims, and therefore cannot provide comment or unrestricted permission concerning the use of the information that Demiurge contains.

These terms of use are subject to change without prior notice.