T4 terms of use

T4 is programmed in JAVA and will run in any computer with PC, Mac or Linux operative systems.

Since it is a fully Java-based software development, T4 has a free software license.

T4 and all its converters can be downloaded without charge by registered users of the Demiurge information system.

This program is suitable for codominant (allozymes and nuclear microsatellites) and dominant genotype matrices for an unlimited number of alleles per locus, loci, individuals, populations, and taxa (diploid individuals, in the case of co-dominant data). Any genotype matrix following one of the accepted T4 genotype coding patterns is liable to be transformed into the input formats of one or several of the most commonly used population genetic softwares that are compatible with the data type of the matrix, and for any possible combination of the populations that it may contain.

T4 provides support to add new modules to perform transformations, which must be developed according to a given API (Application Programming Interface), and over an underlying framework.

We welcome the submission of newly developed converters in the Converter store. All the converters not developed by the Demiurge team will become available through this site and duly attributed following the specifications of their authors. See the T4 API for further information.

T4 may also connect upon request to the Demiurge website to initiate the publication of genetic diversity digests . This is a fast and easy optional process that allows the users to contribute to enhance the existing knowledge on bio diversity's genetic diversity while keeping their data safely and permanently stored, and ready for analysis under any present or future software.

We strongly encourage users of the free T4 software to publish genetic diversity digests about their genotype matrices in the Demiurge information system, of which T4 is a part.

T4 should be cited in all works that make use of its capabilities as:

We hereby explicitly emphasize that the T4 software and its converters shall not be offered by any public website, database or information system other than Demiurge.

We hereby explicitly emphasize that .tfm4 genotype matrices shall not be stored in any public website, database or information system other than Demiurge.


T4 is provided "as is", without any kind of warranty. In no case will its authors or their supporting institutions be liable for any trouble resulting from the use of this software or its accompanying documentation.

Questions, suggestions, criticisms and bug reports are very much welcome. Please use the gray "Feedback" button at the bottom left of this page to contact the T4 development team.