About Demiurge
Demiurge is a free-access, searchable public information system of genetic diversity digests (i. e., geo-referenced genotype matrices in the T4 format, plus any kind of ancillary information relevant to their interpretation) that follows GBIF standards of data interchange and structure. Demiurge may store digests with associated genotype data matrices derived from most molecular population genetic techniques used to investigate biodiversity's genetic diversity (AFLPs, allozymes, DNA sequences, ISSRs, microsatellites (aka SSRs), PCR-RFLPs, RAPDs, RFLPs...).
Following some simple steps (see the digest submission section), the genotype data matrix in each digest is submitted in the format of the computer program Transformer-4, and the populations that it contains are geo-referenced in a fast and easy way by the digest authors. They may also easily attach to the digest any document that they consider important for the interpretation or analysis of the genotype matrix.
Because the genotype matrices that all digests contain are in the format of the computer software Transformer-4 (T4), they are ready for fast, versatile and creative analysis under most population genetic softwares.
All genetic diversity digests submitted to Demiurge undergo a brief and simple review process prior to their being published in this web-based information system. When a digest is accepted for publication, all its authors receive an e-certificate of digest ownership and integrity.
Unless otherwise indicated by the authors in the digest submission process, the genotype matrices in all genetic diversity digests published in Demiurge are freely available to any person registered in this information system.
Digest authors may however choose to keep their T4 matrix confidential for a year from the digest validation date, so that any person interested in this item of their digest must contact the corresponding authors for further info, or collaboration.
Since the unique Demiurge ID code assigned to each digest upon submission does not change after the review process, it can be properly cited in papers and scientific communications.
Questions, suggestions, criticisms and bug reports are very much welcome. Please use the gray Feedback button at the bottom left of this page to contact the Demiurge development team.