General instructions

Once a reviewer clicks on the link to review a digest that appears in the email that Demiurge automatically sends to him/her, he/she will be directed to the "digest review page" containing:

- The digest header with its unique Demiurge ID code,

- Some basic infos on the digest (the authors, their affiliations, the molecular technique the T4 matrix refers to,...),

- The corrrect citation form of the digest, and

- Links to the diverse items in the digest (the matrix in T-4 format, the map of the populations it refers to, and the supplementary items its authors have seen fit to include).

     • See an example of a digest ready to be reviewed

When the reviewer clicks on the green "Review" button, a score sheet appears.

The digest score sheet contains a brief Yes/No questionnaire that includes specific questions about the matrix and any ancillary information submitted with it, an "Overall recommendation" field, Confidential comments, and comments to the digest authors.

     • See an example of the digest score sheet

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